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2 participants
Utilisateur confirmé: Rang ****

Messages : 835

variables Empty
MessageSujet: variables   variables EmptySam 15 Mar 2008 - 12:53

qqn pourrait m' indiquer toutes les variables internes des objects (x,y,direction,speed, hspeed, vspeed,sprite_index,sprite de l'objet
image_index, image_speed...) y en a il d' autres ?
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Messages : 3463
Projet Actuel : Crypt Of Darkness

variables Empty
MessageSujet: Re: variables   variables EmptySam 15 Mar 2008 - 13:26

C'est facile, tu ouvres game maker, dans le barre en haut il y a Scripts tu cliques dessus ensuite tu cliques sur show built-in variable et ils vont tous s'afficher
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Utilisateur confirmé: Rang ****

Messages : 835

variables Empty
MessageSujet: Re: variables   variables EmptySam 15 Mar 2008 - 13:28

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Utilisateur confirmé: Rang ****

Messages : 835

variables Empty
MessageSujet: Re: variables   variables EmptySam 15 Mar 2008 - 13:36

ça me fait:
show built-in variable_global_array_get
show built-in variable_global_array_set
mais je ne trouve pas x, pas y ni aucune des variables que j' avais mis donc ça doit pas être ça...
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Messages : 3463
Projet Actuel : Crypt Of Darkness

variables Empty
MessageSujet: Re: variables   variables EmptySam 15 Mar 2008 - 13:47

global:  argument
global:  argument0
global:  argument1
global:  argument10
global:  argument11
global:  argument12
global:  argument13
global:  argument14
global:  argument15
global:  argument2
global:  argument3
global:  argument4
global:  argument5
global:  argument6
global:  argument7
global:  argument8
global:  argument9
global:  argument_relative
global:  background_alpha
global:  background_blend
global:  background_color
global:  background_foreground
global:  background_height
global:  background_hspeed
global:  background_htiled
global:  background_index
global:  background_showcolor
global:  background_visible
global:  background_vspeed
global:  background_vtiled
global:  background_width
global:  background_x
global:  background_xscale
global:  background_y
global:  background_yscale
global:  caption_health
global:  caption_lives
global:  caption_score
global:  current_day
global:  current_hour
global:  current_minute
global:  current_month
global:  current_second
global:  current_time
global:  current_weekday
global:  current_year
global:  cursor_sprite
global:  error_last
global:  error_occurred
global:  event_action
global:  event_number
global:  event_object
global:  event_type
global:  fps
global:  game_id
global:  health
global:  instance_count
global:  instance_id
global:  keyboard_key
global:  keyboard_lastchar
global:  keyboard_lastkey
global:  keyboard_string
global:  lives
global:  mouse_button
global:  mouse_lastbutton
global:  mouse_x
global:  mouse_y
global:  room
global:  room_caption
global:  room_first
global:  room_height
global:  room_last
global:  room_persistent
global:  room_speed
global:  room_width
global:  score
global:  secure_mode
global:  show_health
global:  show_lives
global:  show_score
global:  temp_directory
global:  transition_kind
global:  transition_steps
global:  transition_time
global:  view_angle
global:  view_current
global:  view_enabled
global:  view_hborder
global:  view_hport
global:  view_hspeed
global:  view_hview
global:  view_object
global:  view_vborder
global:  view_visible
global:  view_vspeed
global:  view_wport
global:  view_wview
global:  view_xport
global:  view_xview
global:  view_yport
global:  view_yview
global:  working_directory
local:  alarm
local:  bbox_bottom
local:  bbox_left
local:  bbox_right
local:  bbox_top
local:  depth
local:  direction
local:  friction
local:  gravity
local:  gravity_direction
local:  hspeed
local:  id
local:  image_alpha
local:  image_angle
local:  image_blend
local:  image_index
local:  image_number
local:  image_single
local:  image_speed
local:  image_xscale
local:  image_yscale
local:  mask_index
local:  object_index
local:  path_endaction
local:  path_index
local:  path_orientation
local:  path_position
local:  path_positionprevious
local:  path_scale
local:  path_speed
local:  persistent
local:  solid
local:  speed
local:  sprite_height
local:  sprite_index
local:  sprite_width
local:  sprite_xoffset
local:  sprite_yoffset
local:  timeline_index
local:  timeline_position
local:  timeline_speed
local:  visible
local:  vspeed
local:  x
local:  xprevious
local:  xstart
local:  y
local:  yprevious
local:  ystart
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variables Empty
MessageSujet: Re: variables   variables Empty

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