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 Un forum avec beaucoup de règles

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7 participants

Messages : 4446

Un forum avec beaucoup de règles Empty
MessageSujet: Un forum avec beaucoup de règles   Un forum avec beaucoup de règles EmptyDim 9 Juil 2006 - 4:05

Il y a peut-être certaines personnes qui croient qu'il y a trop de règles sur le CBNA. Voici les règlements d'un forum que je connais.

Première partie :
Citation :
These are the Rune HQ Forum Rules. If you see someone breaking one, please use the blue "! Report" button to report the post and then use the next screen to send a pm stating why you reported the post and the forum moderators will be notified with the link to the post.

Anyone complaining about the following rules on the forums and complaining about them being too strict will be IMMEDIATELY PERMANENTLY BANNED! If you don't like our rules then sorry, you are not welcome here. You are welcome to speak your mind here as long as you do it in a constructive and respectful manner.

DISPLAY NAMES and LOG IN NAMES CANNOT CONTAIN SPACES OR SPECIAL CHARACTERS AND MUST BE 4 OR MORE CHARACTERS LONG! You may use a DASH or Underscore to replace a SPACE in the name only and NOT at the beginning of your name!

You are also not allowed to post saying you're leaving the forum/site and complain about the site or the rules. Your account will be immediately banned! If you have a problem with these rules please do not complain, your only option is to talk to one of the site admins.

If you receive a warning and do not agree with it, please PM any Admin on the forum and we will investigate it and try to work with you.

The Number one rule of RuneHQ is respect! Anyone being disrespectful will be disciplined, up to and including IP banning from the site. We demand people treat each other respectfully while using these forums. If you cannot do that you will not be welcome here!

GENERAL RULES - Apply to all boards:

1. Post on the correct board - Descriptions of all the boards can be found on the main index page to the forum. You are required to read all Announcements and Stickies at the top of EACH forum before posting in the forum. Failure to do so can and will lead to discipline if you violate the content of those announcements and posts.

2. No spamming - This normally includes one word responses (Cool, Huh?, Awesome, etc.). Now if one word is an appropriate response to the post, it is allowed and NOT considered spam, but we would prefer you use more than one word normally. This also includes no substance in the post, as in just smilies.

Make your post have substance in it. Spam posts will be removed.

If you are reading a post and see something you consider spam, please do not add more spam by replying to it and saying "this is spam". Please use the "! Report" button to report the post (make sure you fill out the post afterwards telling us the reason for reporting it) or send a pm to any of the forum moderators along with the link to the post. Also if you see a post posted in the wrong forum a reply of "wrong forum" is considered spam, this also should be reported via the "! Report" button.

S = Stupid
P = Pointless
A = Annoying
M = Messages

3a. Anyone using ANY form of flaming, swearing, cursing, badmouthing, or profanity will be disciplined. This includes acronyms, replacing profanity with stars (i.e., ****), or anything to that effect. We are a forum for RuneScape and have young people using these boards. Failure to follow this rule will result in disciplinary action. This includes all posts, fakes, videos, etc.!

3b. No posts or chat discussions about religion or political issues or containing racist, sexist, or otherwise discriminating remarks. However, religious/political statements in signatures are permitted, as long as they don't disrespect other religions or other political points of view.

4. No begging - Begging is not allowed on these forums. Even if you were hacked, which is a shame, it is still not allowed. Any such form of begging will be dealt with.

5. No UPPERCASE POSTS - If you start typing and notice you are typing in all caps, click on that caps lock button to the left on your keyboard. wink.gif Typing in all caps is considered shouting and is not proper net etiquette.

6. Forbidden Topics:
a. No original subjects to be started advertising ANY web sites (Runescape or not) on the boards, for instance - "I created a new forum come check it out". We do NOT allow advertising on this forum!

b.No posting of links of any kind unless the link is to a GlobalGamingHQ, LLC site or entity, runehq area of the site or forum, RHQ Clan site or forum, rsbandb.com site or forum, and Runescape or Jagex official site. The only exceptions for normal users are links to a clan web site in the CLAN BOARD, PKing/Dueling videos in the PKing/Dueling Videos board or links to another web site for the Humor forum. Links in the humor or clan forums that cause excessive popups are strictly forbidden! Trick humor is also strongly frowned upon on this forum. Links are allowed in the homepage area of your profile, and you are allowed to link to your profile for people to see your info. You may also place URL's in other areas of your profile, but they will not be linked. Any link that goes to a site with runescape cheats, keyloggers, hacks or inappropriate material will result in an immediate and permanent ban!

Links and URL'S(linked or not) in your signature are not allowed unless they are a link to something on Any GlobalGamingHQ, LLC entity, the RuneHQ site or Forums, The Official RuneHQ Clan site or Forum, RSBANDB.com, or an Official Jagex or Runescape.com link ONLY! Posting of links outside the approved areas will result in disciplinary action up to and including an OFFICIAL WARNING or Banning depending on the Link.

Certain sites links are banned from being posted and are NOT ALLOWED anywhere, even the Humor or Clan forums, due to questionable content are:
Albino Blacksheep
Any other site featuring people in various stages of undress or that would be considered inappropriate for small children!
You can and almost assuredly will be banned for posting links to inappropriate sites

c. No posting of Runescape Clients/cheat/hack/keylogger sites/virus/scam related posts/links - this will almost always result in a PERMANENT BAN from RuneHQ. This is also why we do not allow links to be posted on this site. It is too easy for people to post these types of sites, so we restrict almost all links to protect our community from this type of link.

d. Posting password/pin scams or asking people for their Runescape account/password/pins- This will always result in a PERMANENT BAN from RuneHQ. Violation of any Runescape rules will also result in disciplinary action up to and including banning!

e. Do not post asking us to create new forums! We will decide when and if we need a new forum. We are a Runescape help site and we are tired of people asking for forums that are NOT Runescape related. WE WILL ALMOST NEVER accept requests for new forums! All posts of this nature will be locked and NOT answered. If you continue to ask for a new forum you can and will be disciplined for violating this rule.

7. No posting of related topics in multiple boards - Any posts that are similar that are posted on numerous other forums are not allowed. Such as, "I'm quitting Runescape", "I hate Runescape", etc. Only one post is necessary under one board. Any double posts like this will be deleted.

8. No "rate my stats" or "rate my bank pics" topics - These types of posts will be locked or moved to archives. You can post your stats and ask for help as this is not asking for someone to rate them. These types of post are often subjective and just turn into flame wars which are not allowed here. Also posting bank pics makes you a target for hackers.

9. Size restriction on Avatar and Signature Images - The maximum size for signatures is 640 width by 250 height (this includes the text below it) with a maximum file size of *40kb (40,960 bytes) . Spacing and line breaks do not matter as long as it's not excessive. If the total of the images and the text size is 250 then the size is acceptable. The maximum size for avatars is 90 width by 90 height with a maximum file size of 10kb.

IPB Image

If your signature block is a few pixels bigger than this it is ok as long as the image sizes and text pixel size does not exceed 250 px. Admins reserve the right to make final judgments on signature size. * You may also use unused space from your avatar in your sig. If your Avatar is 2k, then your sig can be 38k. As long as your Avatar is less than 10k and your Signature/Avatar images add up to less than 40k (40,960 bytes), you are ok.

Signature images are NOT allowed to be hosted on Orcplanet.com! These images are too easy to be hacked and altered. Any images found hosted from orcplanet will be removed without question!

To check file size:

If you are using a PC (not a MAC or linux machine), using Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE or MSIE), Right click on the picture and select properties. This will tell you filesize in bytes. You have to divide the bytes by 1024 to get the size in k or kilobytes. It will also tell you the dimensions of the image. If you are on a MAC or a Linux box, you will have to use whatever method your browser uses to find this info.

You should do this on your gallery image, imageshack or wherever the image is hosted before you put it in your signature.

Any kind of image (including signatures and avatars) cannot be bought/sold for RuneScape gold or items! They must be done for free or real life payment arranged. However, we are not responsible for your money when buying or selling signatures/images.

9a. Image Size Limits in posts. Due to the fact that several people use dialup, we have to try to restrict the size of images in posts. This is also to help overall performance of the site and to reduce bandwidth and prevent issues. You are limited to 500k per thread. Any thread that has over 100k in images must have the following in the topic description - "WARNING - Large Images Inside!" This will alert dial up users of the fact that there is over 100k in the thread.

Sorry but if you are unable to crop your pictures and get the total size under 500k, we have no pity for you! Any thread page with a image total more than 500k will be removed. Any thread with more than 100k and that does not contain the warning as stated above will be removed! Also, any post the images could have been made smaller to preserve bandwidth and improve performance and we feel that you didn't will be removed, no matter what the size is! Bandwidth costs money and we don't care if it is ours or someone elses, we will do whatever it takes to preserve bandwidth!

If you need an exemption of this 500k limit for special purposes, please PM an admin and we will work with you on the post and approve the exemption. We will not however grant exemptions for every wildy kill, etc.

9b. Never use another members sig, avvy, or underbanner without asking them and receiving their permission to use it. Doing so is just like stealing from them and will not be tolerated.

9c. No more than 1 spoiler in a sig OR post, any post or signature with more than one spoiler will be removed. Violation of this rule can and will result in an official warning. Spoilers are not allowed to be abused. A single spoiler may be used in the sig area, The text and images in the sig are with the spoiler open cannot exceed 500 pixels tall. This includes stuff OUTSIDE the spoiler. You are still required to maintain the sig less that 250 Pixels tall with the spoiler closed. If 500 Pixels is not enough for your sig TOO BAD, take your sig and go elsewhere! On very rare occasions for a good reason, an Admin my grant you an exception to the one spoiler rule.

9d. Any sig or post using a spoiler where it is not needed will also be deleted. SPOILERS ARE FOR A SPECIFIC PURPOSE, like hiding the answers to an important question that is intended to test someone's knowledge before they see the answer, or details from a guide walkthrough. We will not tolerate them being used incorrectly or to get around the rules!

10. Warning System -
3 warnings will equal a 3 day ban from the site.
4th warning will be a week ban.
5 warnings total is a permanent ban from the site, so if someone gets a week ban and comes back and gets a single warning they are gone for good.

Warnings will periodically be removed if you demonstrate good behavior for an extended period of time. Warnings usually decay away automatically after one month.

Post moderation is now in effect for official warnings. If you receive an official warning, you will be put on post moderation. This means that a staff member must APPROVE your topic(s) or replies before they are visible for other users to see. This will help with troublesome users so we can catch bad posts before they are made.

1 official warning = 3 day post moderation
2 official warnings = 7 day post moderation
3 official warnings = 30 day post moderation
4 official warnings = Indefinite post moderation

11. DO NOT ask to be a mod, do not ask what we look for in mods or any questions pertaining to becoming a mod. Please see this thread for all mod questions: http://www.runehq.net/RHQInn/index.php?showtopic=543. Anyone PMing a staff member or posting about being a mod will be in violation of the RuneHQ rules and be subject to discipline. Violating RuneHQ rules is an AUTOMATIC disqualification of becoming a mod!

With the exception of the market place forums, Do not post a new topic without first using the search feature! Searching for a topic and posting a reply is preferred over starting a new thread when possible. This keeps discussions about the same subject together and makes it easier for everyone to find them. Please follow the market place rules for posting there.

13. Please do not accuse members of cheating (inside other posts) on Runescape unless you have proof to back up the facts. If you do, then those should be posted in the Report Area Board.

Dernière édition par le Mar 18 Déc 2007 - 21:46, édité 5 fois
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Messages : 4446

Un forum avec beaucoup de règles Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Un forum avec beaucoup de règles   Un forum avec beaucoup de règles EmptyDim 9 Juil 2006 - 4:06

Deuxième partie Smile :
Citation :
14. Word Games, Round Robin games and 1, 2, 3.. etc. word stories are not allowed at RuneHQ as they are a cause of spam. This rule includes, but is not limited to, the posting of round robin games such as 'Rate the above poster!' and word association games.

15. No posts regarding buying/selling/sharing accounts or lending out an account for someone to work on your stats. This is breaking Runescape Rules and is not allowed here. Your account on Runescape can be BANNED for this type of behavior and we will Ban you most assuredly.

16. Multiple RuneHQ forum accounts are not allowed. You may only have one RuneHQ forum account per person and one person per forum account, unless you have permission from the admins of the site. You may not share a single forum account with multiple people! We track IP's so we know for the most part when people do this. We realize there are homes with multiple users and we will make sure we do not restrict homes with multiple people from each having an account, but we will figure it out eventually if you are trying to pull a fast one. Your account on RuneHQ can be BANNED for this type of behavior.

17. If you receive an official warning for breaking the rules on the forum and are a member of any of the RuneHQ Forum Usergroups (ie: Events Team, Advanced Members, RuneHQ Clan, etc), you will be removed and no longer be allowed access to these areas. Trouble makers will not be privileged enough to be a part of the extra content on the forum.

18. Jagex's Runescape rules are also to be followed here. Anyone
violating the rules for Runescape will also be considered violating our rules and be susceptible to punishment for violating the rules.

19. No posting any kind of material, graphic or otherwise, that may be found inappropriate or obscene to the RuneHQ age range.

20. Plagiarism is strictly forbidden here and throughout the entire internet and World in which we live. Copying somebody else's guide, signature or other work, whether from another site or this site, and claiming it as your own may result in an official warning if not a ban from the site.

21. Bumping topics is not allowed! Especially if you just put the word "bump" - it will be locked. However market boards have a separate bumping rule.

22. National and international laws apply to the Internet. Do not post here encouraging people to do anything illegal (such as pirating software).

23. Do NOT reply to rule breakers telling them that they are breaking the rules! The only people who should be giving out warnings or friendly reminders are those responsible for moderating the forum. We have a system in place for those who break rules, and it allows for second chances already. It makes it more difficult for moderators when someone alerts another person to their offense and gives them time to change it, or when people quote the offending text, forcing us to have to remove both the quoted text and the offending text. If you see a rule breaker, click the REPORT button and then give a description as to what rule is being broken. This prevents multiple people from reporting the same post, and allows the system to function. Do NOT post that you have reported their post or that you think their post is in violation of the rules, or you will consequently be held in violation of the rules yourself.

24. You are not allowed to discuss staff issues and posts in the staff forums with staff members or ex staff members. Posts in the staff forums are confidential. If a staff or ex-staff member discusses these type of things with you, you are required to notify an Admin immediately. You can and will get disciplined up to an including being banned for discussing things learned from staff members that are supposed to be confidential. We do not discuss why people are demodded with the community or other issues needed to run this site. We take staff/ex-staff leaking confidential information very seriously here.

In addition to the General rules listed above, these also apply to the
RuneScape Category Forums:

The RuneScape Category rules can be found here

In addition to the General rules listed above, these also apply to the
Wilderness and Dueling Boards:

The Wilderness and Dueling Board rules can be found here

In addition to the General rules listed above, these also apply to the
Market Area Boards:

1. All transactions that will continue for a period of time are to be marked "always" before the actual title of the post. ALL posts ABSOLUTELY MUST state what is being traded!
Post subject: Always buying rune ore

2. All completed transactions are to be edited and titled "closed."
Post subject: Closed

3. NO spamming! DO NOT post on someone else's thread unless you are selling to that person, buying from that person or asking how much. If you wish to give advice to the seller or buyer, then send it to them in a PM.
One Example: eminem is selling a rune medium for 10k, and then Steven Tyler places a post in the same topic saying, "I'll sell them for 9k"! This is not allowed.

4a. Do Not bump to keep your own posts seen or at the top of the page within 72 hours. We have a mod installed that prevents you from replying to your own post. If it is longer than 72 Hours, You may edit your post and ask that it be closed, and then you can post a new topic. You may respond to others replying to your post as often as needed. Senseless posts made just to bump up a topic will result in disciplinary actions. Simply typing "bump" is not allowed.

4b. If you wish to have an extended sale for a period of over one week, you must post back on your sale at least once every 5 days so that users and our staff know that you are still active.

5. Do Not make a new post every single day selling the same item. I've seen a lot of this going on in the market boards lately. If you need to make another post because the previous one has changed tremendously then please edit the original post to read "closed" in the subject line.

6. If posting in the Employment Agency board, be as specific as you can in your subject line.
Examples: "Level 68 Fisher for hire"; "Looking for work (fishing, smithing, mining)"; "Looking for a coal miner"
More detailed information can then go inside the body of your message.

7. No Selling, Giving Away or Sharing of accounts will be allowed period. If it is against RuneScape rules, it is almost assuredly against the rules here! This is one RuneScape rule that is strictly enforced here as this is usually used to scam people out of items and money.

8. If there are no replies after a week, your post will be closed, but if you reply after 48 hours to keep your post alive on page 1 then you will be allowed 2 weeks to try and get a reply before it is closed.

9. Indirect trades and 3 person trades are not allowed, because these are easy scam opportunities. However, if collateral is given, then we will let them pass.

10. If you plan to trade an item you must post in the forum that corresponds with the item you have not the one you want. Example: Bob wants to trade his Rune Axe for Death runes. He would make a post about this in the Fletching, Ranging, and Woodcutting Market.

11. NO scamming, This includes but is not limited to:
Claiming any quest item as being rare.
Claiming a item does something when it does not.
Offering to Trim armour.
Offering "Pay first" services
Posting Lotteries
Asking for loans
Any topics will be locked immediately and an OFFICIAL WARNING will be issued as this is in violation of Runescape rule number 2 and only produce market spam.
If you spot a scammer use the Report! button and Do Not Reply to the Thread

12. Do not make any threads that are Buying AND Selling items. If you have items to buy and sell, then please make 2 separate topics on the correct boards. If you do make a topic, then expect for a Staff member to close it and PM you about it.

TIPS: Make use of the search button.
1. "Search for Keywords": Use this option to locate items you are interested in. Utilize the search options to narrow down which subjects appear.
2. "Search for Author:" - Use this option to locate posts of your own or others you were keeping tabs on. Example: Items you were selling or had placed bids on.
3. If you want to know the user's Runescape Name and he doesn't have it in a post he made or in his sig (eg: selling easter egg pm me in rs) then you can go to his Profile and, if he has entered it, look for his Runescape Name.

--General Rules--
IMPORTANT - The only board in the General Category where you can post links is the Humor board. Posting a link in any other board will result in a discipline.

Please follow these rules or risk being warned, they are very important and not to be taken lightly. The rules are listed for each board concerned.

- General Rules

1. No 'Official' topics. If you want to have an 'official' topic, you must send a PM to the General Category Manager. In the PM, you must state why it should be the official thread and the final content of your post.

When approved, you put this line into the topic: 'Topic approved by (name), on (date)'. Anybody who fakes approval of an official topic will receive an Official Warning. This rule is to stop people from posting topics which give the impression that they are endorsed by the RHQ staff, when in fact, they are not.

- Report Area

2. Do not beg, if you have been hacked, that is a shame but we cannot and will not give you items. Begging is not welcome on any part of this forum.
This is also covered by forum rule 4:
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Messages : 4446

Un forum avec beaucoup de règles Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Un forum avec beaucoup de règles   Un forum avec beaucoup de règles EmptyDim 9 Juil 2006 - 4:07

Troisième partie :
Citation :

4. No begging - Begging is not allowed on these forums. Even if you were hacked, which is a shame, it is still not allowed. Any such form of begging will be dealt with.

3. Only use these forums to report those who break RuneScape rules. If you do not have proof that another user has broken the rules, then do not post, as this is considered slander.

4. Try to ensure that the scam you are reporting has not been mentioned already, this helps keep the board clean from repeat topics. Using the search tool, select the report area and put a few key words to search for.

5. Make sure your post has a use, that it is something that would help someone. Here is an example of what to post:


Yesterday, I was hacked by 'hacker’s name'. When I logged back in, I took a screenshot of the login screen and it showed their IP address.
Here is the picture:

If anyone else has been hacked by him/her, be sure to tell Jagex!

Here is an example of what not to post:


I have been hacked and I am very annoyed

Posts of this nature Will be removed, they do nothing from the forum.

- Off Topic

6. No Spam, Lately there have been a lot of posts consisting mostly of:


I am posting from school, how cool is that!?!

Off Topic does not mean that you can post absolutely anything you want. Posts of this nature will be moved and the poster will be disciplined. This may seem harsh, but it is necessary to keep Off Topic from becoming a Spam board.

7. No Round Robin Games, this means that you cannot post topics that work like this:


Everyone post something nice about the person who posted ahead of you.

These posts are plain spam and will be dealt with accordingly.

- All Other Games/TV/Movies/Music

8. Posts in this forum should be related to video games other than runescape. For example, you can discuss the new Xbox game here. Any posts directly relating to runescape will be moved.

- Humor

9. Please remember to check the movie that you will be posting and that it does NOT contain any of the following:
a. Sexual, Racial, Religious or Violent content. Please see Forum Rule 3.

b. Bad Language or Acronyms which are not appropriate for the RuneHQ age range. Please see Forum Rule 3a.

c. Hosted on an explicit website, a link to a BANNED website or a website carrying Viruses, Trojans, Keyloggers and Malicious Encoding.

d. Contain "naughty jokes" as they are not appropriate.

If we find any thing containing these items, you will be disciplined UP TO AND INCLUDING A BAN!

10. Magic tricks and illusions are allowed to be posted here, HOWEVER, if you provide links to the sites, you must ensure that there are no direct link to adult/hack sites etc. or even the site itself!

11. Tricks Like the "Your brain has been stolen" or "You have been Slapped by a trout" are NOT allowed! These are pointless and a waste of people’s time and internet bandwidth. If in doubt, it is then suggested you do not post at all.

12. Certain sites which are NOT ALLOWED due to links are:
Albino Blacksheep

As they have adult content in the parent site

13. "Naughty" jokes will be locked immediately, and depending on what it is you may get punished too. We will not permit younger members reading inappropriate things on these boards. Failure to follow the above rule will result in the issuing of at least an official warning.

14. No 'Your Mama' jokes as these are very immature and offensive to some people. Any topics like this found will be disciplined as soon as a moderator spots one.

15. Links to downloads or downloadable content can pose a huge security threat and will not be tolerated. Failure to follow this rule will result in discipline.

- Fakes

16. As of late, a lot of users have been very harsh on other users when it comes to rating fakes. This needs to stop. It is not fair, to anyone, to compare a new Fake maker who has just made their first fake to a Fake maker who has experience in the field.

Comparing newcomers to oldies needs to stop, as it is totally unfair.

Please also remember NEVER to say things like "Your fake was HORRIBLE! I never, EVER want to see you make another fake!" as this is flaming and you will be punished for it. You are to rate fairly. Also, There is a difference between comments and criticism and flaming. Flaming is the above example of "Your fake was HORRIBLE! I never, EVER want to see you make another fake!" and should NEVER be said;

Comments and criticism should be honest and gentle. You comment on what you like and point out what you do not like in a respective manner. You do not say things like "Oh, I have seen people make much better fakes than this so you get 0.000001/10". A proper way in which you can help a user with their talent is to offer constructive criticism such as this "This is good for an early attempt, but you need to work on getting your text more centered and the colors are also slightly off, if you could get a handle on these two things I think it could be much better."

Finally, please try not to bias yourself towards one faker over another. Rate the fakes in your opinion based on realism, concept, plot, humor, etc., not "Oh, UserX has a much better fake gallery than you UserZ so you get a 0!".

17. Please REMOVE the links in the pictures that you post or risked getting disciplined. We do not want links in images to the image hosting site so please remember to remove the URL in code before posting it up.

18. Bumping is not allowed in any shape or form. Bumping your own topic with simply putting 'Bump' or something similar will result in a discipline. Posting in other peoples topic encouraging other members to bump their topic is not only breaking the rules, but is also very rude.

19. Complaining about the type of program used to create the fakes is not allowed. These comments are disrespectful and lead to flame wars.

20. Fakes about zezima and other well-known RuneScape players are no longer allowed to be posted without the permission of that person as they are disrespectful and lead to flaming. In addition, you should delete fakes in your galleries that break this rule.

- Testing Board

21. In the testing board, to save hassle please change your topic to Test Finished once your test is finished. This will be a sign to the moderators that they can close your topic. This has been added to prevent topics floating about for 7 days once the test has been completed. Failure to follow this rule will result in discipline.

- RuneHQ Features

22. Our arcade games are very competitive. Do NOT flame or complain about having your score broken or your death. If you want revenge, please see the sticky regarding bounties. On the flip side, please don't brag. There is a thread where you can boast to your heart's content about who you have killed, but please keep it in there.

23. No advertising guilds or blogs. If you have a blog or a guild, please advertise it elsewhere. This is for questions and discussion about RuneHQ features. However, you may post results from Guild Battles here.

24. Please pay special attention to Forum Rule number 4 on the forums. Begging for RuneScape supplies will be treated no differently from begging for things on the forums. This goes for off the forums as well.

Thanks to ViralMonkey and others for writing these rules.

If you have any questions, feel free to PM me or any General Category Moderator.

Thank you,
General Category Manager

--Auction rules--
Greetings RuneHQ Users!

Before you post in this forum or go create an auction, I would like to remind you of a couple things such as rules. I know sometimes it can be hard to find the rules to the auction house and some basic general guidelines. All general rules apply to the auction house as well as some specific auction house rules which are located here and close to the bottom of the Forum Rules.

Click here for the Guide to the Auctions House.

Click here for the Complete Forum Rules.

Auction Rules

1. For our Next Exhibit: You may only place for auction items that people will want to buy. Do not try to auction items that are not-tradable. Also, you may not create auctions buying something. The only auctions that should be in the House are ones selling something. This also includes the posting of store auctions. These are not allowed in auctions and people that create one will be disciplined.

2. Price Check on Aisle Three: Please auction items within a reasonable range of their current market value or listed street price. If you do not know the street value, start by checking the items database in RuneHQ.Com. If you are unable to find a price, please ask someone before posting your auction. You may set an instant win price for as high as you like, but the minimum bid must be realistic.

3. Ding! Armor and Weapons, Second Floor: Put all auctions in the proper category. Misplaced auctions may be removed or placed in their correct categories. The category names are pretty self explanatory; think before auctioning! If in doubt, ask before you post.

* Armor
* Cooking and Food
* Crafting
* Discontinued Rare Items
* Farming
* Fletching
* Herblore
* Magic and Runes
* Mining (Ores and Bars)
* Miscellaneous
* Prayer and Bones
* Ranging
* Treasure Trails Rewards
* Weapons
* Woodcutting

4. The bid is 50 to the blonde lady! Please bid logically on items. A few guidelines for this are:

* Only bid on items you intend and are able to buy.
* Only bid for what you feel the item is worth. Don't bid too low or too high.
* If you make an error in a bid, you must PM a mod within 30 minutes or so after the bid was made or you may end up banned from the auction house for one month. We will not remove bids, but fix any errors if we are PMed quickly enough.

5. Going, going, gone! If you win a bid, you MUST pay for it at the price you bid. If you need to cancel a transaction, you must have an agreement with the seller.

6. No Money Back Guarantee: You must follow through and complete the transaction within seven days of the bid closing.
Seller: If a buyer refuses to pay for the item at their bid price, refuses to meet with you, or refuses to buy from you for any reason, please let us know immediately.
Buyer: If the seller refuses to accept your bid for the item, refuses to meet with you, or refuses to sell to you for any reason, please let us know immediately.

7. Patience is a Virtue: You are required to follow through with any auctions you put up or bid on. This means that if you are the owner of the auction, you CANNOT sell the item up for auction to another person in game. It must stay in your possession to the end of the auction. If you are buying an auctioned item, you must make sure you will have the money you bid when the auction comes to a close. If you fail to do so, you will receive a one month ban from the auction house. HOWEVER, you are able to cancel the auction within the given time frame IF it does not have a bid. You can only request your auction to be removed two times each month. Any further requests in the same month will not be answered.

8. What is it? If you describe the item you are selling, the description must be true and accurate. You cannot put up "surprise" auctions - you must state what is being auctioned.

9. One auction for one item: You are not to duplicate auctions in the Auction House. Whether you do it on purpose or on accident, it will result in disciplining. However, if you have two rune full helms and want to auction them both off, but don't want to sell them both to the same person, you are allowed to make more than one auction for the helms. BUT, you must make sure to say in the description or title that this is a different rune full helm from the other auction. You need to make it clear that they're not both the same helm.
If you notice you've duplicated an auction on accident, notify an Auction Moderator immediately so that it can be removed, and you, saved from disciplining.

We provide this auction site as a service to you. In return, we ask that you use it properly and be respectful to the other participants and those of us who monitor and administer this service. Failure to do so will get you banned from the auction and possibly from RuneHQ’s forums. If we find that maintaining this auction site is too much trouble, we will remove it.

Discipline Ladder and General Guidelines

Users generally have 5 chances before being banned permanently from the Auction House, unless they have a few really bad offences. Failure to buy/sell will result in an Auction Warning and one month ban. You will then only have 2 more chances in the auction house. This is taken from the Auction House Guide:

The first two offences you make result in Friendly Reminders.
Your third offence results in an Auction Warning.
Your fourth offence results in an Official Warning and one week ban from the Auction House.
Your fifth offence results in a ban from the Auctions House.

The Auction House Guide includes a list of where items belongs as well as the discipline system as listed above, how to create an auction, and how to bid!

Requesting for Help

When requesting for help on an auction, we request that you provide an Auction ID and/or URL to aid us in helping us to fix the problem. It gets tiring to have to reply to a topic or reply to a PM saying that we need an Auction ID or URL and we get no response. Please provide us these when requesting help, otherwise, we can not help you.

If you need a list of moderators who you can contact about auction problems, click here.

The Auctions Board

This board is to be used to contact Auction Moderators, ask questions, and report any problems you find. If you are having problems with another user who will not complete a transaction, please use the “Report” feature on the auction or contact a mod via PM as this information should not be publicly posted.

You can ask us to extend auction times, help fix auctions, etc. The only thing we will be very questionable about is removing a bid - you will automatically receive a one month auction house ban no matter what the reason is and you will then only have 2 more chances before being banned. Please keep your RuneHQ account secure so that no one in your family goes onto your account and breaks the rules, as you will be held responsible.

If you have a question about why you were disciplined, you need to contact a mod via PM as this is also information that should not be publicly posted.
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Messages : 4446

Un forum avec beaucoup de règles Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Un forum avec beaucoup de règles   Un forum avec beaucoup de règles EmptyDim 9 Juil 2006 - 4:08

Quatrième partie :
Citation :
Please also remember to read the Forum Rules.

Thats it folks! Please remember to follow these rules and the forum rules. This will help ensure that the forums and the auction house stay clean in a respectful manner. smile.gif

Happy Auctioning!
~ The RuneHQ Staff

--Media rules--
Hello, and welcome to the Media Category. The Media Category is a forum to express your talents in writing, drawing, graphics, and many other arts. To keep this forum a fun, safe and entertaining place we have established a rule set specifically for the Media Category. Along with the Forum Rules, these apply in particular to this forum.

General Rules For All Categories

1. Please read all forum descriptions before posting. Some forums seem very similar (General Buddies and Buddy Kits for example) but are vastly different. Please ask any moderator if questions persist.

2. Signatures must stay within the forum rules. As the Media Category, we feel more responsible towards your signatures since they are graphics. The limits are 40kb for the filesize of your signatures minus your avatar size(avatars can only be 10kb max) and 640 pixels by 250 pixels. Remember that the height and width limits include all text and all images.

3. Remember to put warnings if your topic is 100kb or more! Please make the warnings clear too. Also, no topics can be more than 500kb per page unless specified.

4. Due to recent rules updates by Jagex, No graphic work is to be sold for Runescape money or items. If it is Buddies, sigs, avatar or whatever, your selling/buying is not allowed to be sold here for Runescape money or items! You can however negotiate for REAL world money for your work if both parties agree. RuneHQ is NOT responsible however if you get ripped off!

We also are now allowing the selling of images for RuneHQ Gold. To pay with RuneHQ Gold, simply go to the shop menu at the top of the page and then go to the left hand menu where it says "Donate GP". Enter the sellers name and how much you are buying it for. Then hit "Donate". We are 100% not responsible for you getting ripped off! Use at your own risk!

5. NO LINKS! Remember that NO OUTSIDE LINKS ARE ALLOWED! If you wish to post links to images, please use your RHQ Forum Gallery. If you use Imageshack, do not post thumbnails or links to the image, use image tags in between your image's address. Example:
Un forum avec beaucoup de règles Chopsteeqpixelborder15ef

Also remember about embedded links. If you get the address to the image and it's
Un forum avec beaucoup de règles Imagetaghere
you need to remove the [url=] tags so it does not cause a link. For questions on this please contact a moderator.

6. Do not claim work as your own if someone else made it. This is plagiarism. Depending upon the owner's request on how credit should be given is how you must credit them. Some people do not request you put their name somewhere on the post/signature, others do. Please contact the person you are using work from for details on how they want credited. Also, even if they do not require credit, this does not mean you can claim it as your own.

7. All topics are allowed 500kb per page if you have a "Large Image Warning". If you do not have a "Large Image Warning", then they get 100kb per page. Per page means every 20 posts, the topic can have a total of 500kb in images in posts. Please note that we consider a page as 20 posts! Also, the person who makes the page go over 500kb on that page will recieve discipline. Please make sure you know how much filesize is on the images before you post yours. To avoid this, post your image as an attachment or the owner can ask for a mod to grant 500kb+.

Buddies Category

1. GIVE CREDIT! Give credit to anyone who helped in the process of making your buddy. Please give credit to the buddy topic you got your buddy templates from. If you do not credit, this could easily be classified as plagiarism.

2. By request only, you may have a buddy kit that exceeds the 500kb limit. To do this, please contact a moderator and most likely, if you are in good standing, will grant you a pass on the image size limit.

To varify that you were granted more than 500kb in your post, we will edit your first post and add something like "Granted more than 500kb - Kuramawhip". Also, in your topic title or description, we will add a 500kb+ warning (If it does not fit, we will contact you and it will be your responsibility to add it). We will also make a post for extra verification. Please do not remove either the line in your topic description or the line added in your first post. FAKING OF THIS VARIFICATION WILL RESULT IN OFFICAL WARNINGS IF NOT BANS!. Questions about this system, contact me or any other media moderator.

Need Signature/Avatar/Image

1. Depending on the maker of the signature's request, you give credit according to their liking. Some people do not require credit for their work in your signature by putting things like "Thanks to *name* for the signature". If they do not require credit for their work, this doesn't mean that you can say, "Oh, I made that signature". It is still not yours to claim as your own.

2. You can no longer buy and avatar, signature, or image for ANY RuneScape gold or items. The best way is to make signatures for free. You may arrange other methods of trade like real money but RUNEHQ IS NOT RESPONSIBLE IF YOU GET RIPPED OFF.

You may now buy images for RuneHQ Gold. To buy images, go to the shop menu at the top of the page and go to the left hand menu where it says "Donate GP". Enter the person's name that you are buying from and the amount you are buying for. Then hit "Donate". We are 100% not responsible for you getting ripped off! Use at your own risk!

3. By request only, you may have a signature/image shop that exceeds the 500kb limit. To do this, please contact a moderator and most likely, if you are in good standing, will grant you a pass on the image size limit.

To varify that you were granted more than 500kb in your post, we will edit your first post and add something like "Granted more than 500kb - Kuramawhip". Also, in your topic title or description, we will add a 500kb+ warning (If it does not fit, we will contact you and it will be your responsibility to add it). Please do not remove either the line in your topic description or the line added in your first post. FAKING OF THIS VARIFICATION WILL RESULT IN OFFICAL WARNINGS IF NOT BANS!. Questions about this system, contact me or any other media moderator.

Rating Board

1. Please do not flame other's graphical work. This includes things like "It sucks", "0.1111111111/10, you suck", "A guy with no hands does better than you". This is breaking the number one rule here: respect. Constructive criticism is allowed as long as it is respectful.

2. Comments such as "Cool" or "Nice" are allowed even though they don't help the creator. We would like for you to give a little bit more than "Nice", however, it is not required.

Tutorials/Help Board

1. Before asking questions, consult the many stickies that contain helpful guides on graphics. If questions still persist, please post.

2. Tutorials CANNOT contain links to other sites. As much as they could be needed in explaining your methods, they cannot be trusted and cannot be added.

Competition Board

1. Topics are closed after 14 days. This is in order to keep a competition going even if no one is posting.

2. If you start a competition, you must follow through with it. Everyone hates wild goose chases where the topic starter asks to post the best signature and everyone posts their signatures. Two weeks later, the post is lively, but the starter has not made a post since.

General Media

1. This board is NOT for questions or help. Please use the Tutorials/Help Board for that.

2. This board is for media that does not fit in other categories. Some examples are: Writen Stories, Hand Drawings, Poems, etc. If you do not know if something belongs here, please ask a moderator.

3. No Fanclubs! These have nothing to do with media and are simply spam topics yelling and screaming about someone. Do not post these!

Thank you and we hope you enjoy our Media Boards!
-The Media Category Staff
Alors, certains croient toujours que le Cbna a trop de règles ? :gniah:

Dernière édition par le Mar 18 Déc 2007 - 21:47, édité 1 fois
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Messages : 2002

Un forum avec beaucoup de règles Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Un forum avec beaucoup de règles   Un forum avec beaucoup de règles EmptyDim 9 Juil 2006 - 7:12




rire2 rire2 rire2 rire2 rire2 :gniah: :gniah: :gniah: :gniah:

et surtout : gha gha gha gha gha
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Modérateur 'Zut'

Messages : 5340
Localisation : **I move away from the mic to breathe in

Un forum avec beaucoup de règles Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Un forum avec beaucoup de règles   Un forum avec beaucoup de règles EmptyDim 9 Juil 2006 - 7:21

Citation :

5. NO LINKS! Remember that NO OUTSIDE LINKS ARE ALLOWED! If you wish to post links to images, please use your RHQ Forum Gallery. If you use Imageshack, do not post thumbnails or links to the image, use image tags in between your image's address.


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Messages : 14995
Localisation : QuébeCanada
Projet Actuel : pas trop mourir

Un forum avec beaucoup de règles Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Un forum avec beaucoup de règles   Un forum avec beaucoup de règles EmptyDim 9 Juil 2006 - 7:33

bibi26 a écrit:
Un forum avec beaucoup de règles Chopsteeqpixelborder15ef

Yo this is stven, White race. The hs diploma i'm holding in this pic is usually there, my principal put it there in 2008. I'm easily startled by coarse fabrics. only one who stayed in the Burger King Kid's Club after they started charging dues. It's called having a fkng job. All clothes found on google except this crown which doesn't say who designed it
Un forum avec beaucoup de règles AQwrp6X
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Messages : 20021
Localisation : Alsace

Un forum avec beaucoup de règles Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Un forum avec beaucoup de règles   Un forum avec beaucoup de règles EmptyDim 9 Juil 2006 - 12:11

Il y en a qui ont de l'inspiration pour écrire tellement de règlements sans intérêt :gniah:

Un forum avec beaucoup de règles Sigico10
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*Excellent utilisateur*

Messages : 6280
Localisation : Can, Qc
Projet Actuel :

Un forum avec beaucoup de règles Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Un forum avec beaucoup de règles   Un forum avec beaucoup de règles EmptyDim 9 Juil 2006 - 15:30

bibi26 a écrit:
2. Signatures must stay within the forum rules. As the Media Category, we feel more responsible towards your signatures since they are graphics. The limits are 40kb for the filesize of your signatures minus your avatar size(avatars can only be 10kb max) and 640 pixels by 250 pixels. Remember that the height and width limits include all text and all images.
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Utilisateur confirmé: Rang ****

Messages : 1219
Localisation : quelque par sur la terre
Projet Actuel : The mercenaries's world

Un forum avec beaucoup de règles Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Un forum avec beaucoup de règles   Un forum avec beaucoup de règles EmptyLun 10 Juil 2006 - 14:18

:gniah: gha ouh
heuh,franchement,faut avoir du courage pour lire toute ces règle inutiles
:7_smiley: :7_smiley:

Serait-ce un schtroumpf ou bien Elvis Presley?

Un forum avec beaucoup de règles Image510
Pour connaître la réponse,cliquez ici

"Dieu a crée l'homme pour que l'homme crée internet"
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MessageSujet: Re: Un forum avec beaucoup de règles   Un forum avec beaucoup de règles Empty

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