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MessageSujet: Les BUGS DE GAME -MAKER   Les BUGS DE GAME -MAKER EmptyJeu 1 Sep 2005 - 1:49

Bien que peu nombreux, il y en a surement, mettez ici les bugs que vous avez subi, pour la compréhension de chacun, mieux vaut mettre en 1° la version de game-maker utilisée et aprés les sindromes du bug !

Pour une fois... je souaite qu' il y ai peu de messages sur ce topic ... triste
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*Excellent utilisateur*

Messages : 5494
Localisation : Angers, maine et loire
Projet Actuel : Rien je suis mort a l'intérieur.

MessageSujet: Re: Les BUGS DE GAME -MAKER   Les BUGS DE GAME -MAKER EmptyJeu 1 Sep 2005 - 1:54

version 6.00

projet : rpg de type zelda

Normalement, pour passer d' une room a l' autre, il faut cocher persistant dans la room et dans l' object, puis mettre dans l' event collision avec porte, change room, puis go to a given position, vous me suivez ?
Et bien non ! Dans la version 6.0 ou moins, il faut changer l' ordre, et mettre d' abord la position, puis ensuite, le passage dans l' autre room !
Ce qui n' a aucun sens !

Voila le seul que j' ai trouvé dans se magnifique logiciel qu' est game-maker

P.S : riez, mais c' est un bug qui m' a empecher de faire des RPG pendant 5 ans ! (et j' ai treouvé la solution par hasard !) happy1
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Messages : 20021
Localisation : Alsace

MessageSujet: Re: Les BUGS DE GAME -MAKER   Les BUGS DE GAME -MAKER EmptyJeu 1 Sep 2005 - 1:55

Idée de topic judiscieuse Very Happy

Je n'ai personellement jamais rencontré de bug dans un jeu que j'ai conçu, mais je sait que GameMaker a tendance à s'emêler les pinceaux quand il y a un nombre important de variables en fluctuation :-D
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Messages : 5494
Localisation : Angers, maine et loire
Projet Actuel : Rien je suis mort a l'intérieur.

MessageSujet: Re: Les BUGS DE GAME -MAKER   Les BUGS DE GAME -MAKER EmptyJeu 1 Sep 2005 - 1:59

ceci est un vrai bug car il n' y avait aucune variable en jeu ...
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Messages : 20021
Localisation : Alsace

MessageSujet: Re: Les BUGS DE GAME -MAKER   Les BUGS DE GAME -MAKER EmptyJeu 1 Sep 2005 - 2:07

Tout fonctionne avec des variables, même le D&D, mais ça se passe dans les entrailles de GM happy1
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*Excellent utilisateur*

Messages : 5494
Localisation : Angers, maine et loire
Projet Actuel : Rien je suis mort a l'intérieur.

MessageSujet: Re: Les BUGS DE GAME -MAKER   Les BUGS DE GAME -MAKER EmptyJeu 1 Sep 2005 - 2:10

ah ... :honte:
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Utilisateur confirmé: Rang ****

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Projet Actuel : Space Racer, un jeu multijoueur en ligne réalisé avec Unity 3D.

MessageSujet: Re: Les BUGS DE GAME -MAKER   Les BUGS DE GAME -MAKER EmptyJeu 1 Sep 2005 - 9:44

Ce n'est pas vraiment un bug, mais plutôt un problème de concept.
Dans n'importe quel version de GM, le code est interprété est non compilé.
Ce qui fait que souvent, le jeu ralenti lorsqu'il y a trop de calculs en parallèles.
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Messages : 16998
Localisation : Siege du CBNA!
Projet Actuel : Site Web du CBNA, version beta :

MessageSujet: Re: Les BUGS DE GAME -MAKER   Les BUGS DE GAME -MAKER EmptyJeu 1 Sep 2005 - 11:00

Bugs corrected in the newest version
This list indicates the bugs that have been corrected in the newest version 6.1.

* Collision functions now work correctly with notme set.
* When you create rooms during the game the speed is now default set to 30
* Buffer is now cleared to black when a game is started or graphics mode is changed.
* Corrected a bug in function d3d_vertex_normal_texture_color().
* Fog now tests what fog modes are supported and chooses the supported one (might still fail).
* Hints in font form are now correct
* Global variables in debug form are now correctly shown
* Corrected bug when adding or deleting moments in empty timelines during the game
* Constant c_dkgray is now darker than c_gray.
* When giving too large a size when creating a sprite or background from the screen, no crash occurs.
* Corrected a bug with random sizes of sprite based particles.
* Corrected a bug with setting the origin when using sprite_replace().
* In the doc, corrected all draw_part functions to have width and height rather than right and bottom as arguments.
* When an object has no sprite a view will now follow it correctly.
* Some older graphics cards might be supported slightly better now (no guarantee).
* Made a number of corrections/changes/checks in the sound system, which should lead to less problems with sound.
* Sound played in the maker are now stopped when switching to a different resource or when deleting them.
* Improved the sprite toolbar image.
* Real values in INI files are now correctly read with both , and . as separator
* Corrected problem with keyboard or mouse button state when calling functions to check them
* Jump to a random position action and function no longer sometimes jumps outside the room.
* Any key events do now react to keys like ~ . , [ etc.
* Solved bug with elliptic shaped particle destroyers and changers
* Corrected a bug that sometimes happenen when dragging actions in an action list
* When merging games the object that a view must follow now remains correct
* Added constants for global mouse events and mouse wheel events
* Default sound volume is now always maximum.
* A path speed can now indeed be negative.
* Solved some errors with the scrollbar in the room editor

Planned in next version
This list contains changes that are currently planned for the next version. But this is almost certainly going to change. In particular, quite a few other things might be added as well. Currently empty because the newest version just appeared.

Known bugs
This list contains bugs that have been reported and have been verified.

* function(...).x = 5 gives a compile error.
* Some forms do not correctly handle large font settings in the windows properties
* Sometimes the loading bar in the Game Maker does not disappear. (press Windows-D while loading)
* When maximizing the room form, closing it and then opening it, it is not maximized and too large.
* Closing Windows while game maker is running gives an error
* When adding instances to the room with only add when the bounding boxes don't interesect(not just the position is outside the old one).
* If object0 change into object1 in an event (e.g. mouse click) the event is executed also for the new object.
* Pressing in the room settings gives the underscores but hides the rest of the text?
* mouse and key release event do not happen when outside of window or non-active window
* When running Game Maker and a laptop hybernates the program crashes.
* Room form does not remember whether it was maximized (also other MDI forms)
* Moving your mouse over input value fields with wrong value leave a red border if good value is entered
* When you choose New Game and then cancel, you still get a lot more cancel questions
* When copying something in the code editor, remove non-printable characters and font info.
* When looping a sound and setting a speed (for doppler effect) it does not loop at the correct moment.
* Precision of reals is pretty bad (Don't know what causes this, happened between 5.4.7 and 5.4.10). This in particular effects datetime functions.
* Fully collapsing the resource tree does not work correctly when there are groups.
* In the game information the cursor is still visible.
* When saving to a device with too little space it does not give the opportunity to save elsewhere.
* Sometimes files get corrupted; some people claim this happens with very large sound or image files.
* Variable cursor_sprite still exists even though not in the doc???
* Sometimes the resource trees keeps refreshing itself for a while
* When clicking multiple buttons in the event selector they keep their orange boundary (no redraw???)
* In multiplayer mode messages send to all player do not always arrive (NOT CONFIRMED)
* There is a bug in the boundig box calculation for scaled sprites (NOT CONFIRMED)
* In some sense the window appear too later (after e.g. creation events)
* file_bin_open() should create a file if it does not exist (NOT CONFIRMED)
* Reading reals from textfiles should correctly treat both . and , as decimal separators
* Game Maker does not run well with S3 ProSavage DDR Graphics Card
* After a show_message() call with a large message, calls later are no longer in the screen center (NOT CONFIRMED)
* Variables created through execute_string do not save/load correctly (NOT CONFIRMED)
* When you use parameter_string(1) after than INI files are stored relative to that parameter (NOT CONFIRMED)
* Textures are not always pixel perfect (NOT CONFIRMED)
* After opening a saved game there can be errors in the showing of local vars in the debugger (NOT CONFIRMED)
* The text displayed in the taskbar is not properly capitalized, when multiple words (NOT CONFIRMED)
* Errors in room creation code are not correctly reported
* Sometimes in the room editor tiles are drawn one pixels to large (NOT CONFIRMED)

Suggested improvements
Here you find a huge lists of improvements that have been suggested. They are subdivided in categories.

Image and Sprite editor

* Preview in the image editor (when in zoom mode)
* polygon drawing in the image editor.
* Save and jump to next/prev frame (To help animating)
* onion skinning ? for easier animations
* CAnimation object must store images in one bitmap to save resources.
* use a tolerance level for transparency (either in the image editor or in the runner)
* Select different transparency color than left bottom one (internally make all sprites one higher???)
* Make it possible to save a sprite with all this collision data, etc. and load it later in the game. Similar for sounds, backgrounds, paths.
* Apply the animation tools to only certain frames (i.e. i have a 30 frames animation, then i want to morph it form frame 15 to 30, so the first 15 frames remain without changes)
* in the overlay function in the animation menu, an option to pick a color and set it as transparent, so we can overlay an animation without first turn it transparent.
* Integrate the sprite editor and the image editor with additional support to create animations
* support for mng animations
* possibility to add a shadow
* allow for alpha value changing, storing images differently (32-bit) and importing images with alpha channel (e.g. png)
* When in selecting mode, all sort of operations (color, blur, etc.) should work on the selection, not on the image
* Loading AVI files as animated sprites (????)


* Backgrounds should not loose their tile settings when being loaded


* looping part of a piece of music
* sound_get_length(snd) function
* sound_get_position(snd) function (if it is playing)
* Function cd_loop() to loop a cd forever.
* Providing the starting place for the sound
* More support for DirectMusic files (like changing style, etc.)
* More support for Direct Music Producer files (e.g. scripts)
* function sound_play_atbeat(index)
* Better support for mp3 files
* Functions sound_get_volume() and sound_get_global_volume()

Events and Actions

* Panel resize bar between event list and action list in object form
* Separate event for left, right, top and bottom boundary and outside
* Add TAB key event
* pause
* Action for "if key is pressed"
* action to check whether a joystick button is pressed
* Seperator action (just a thick line)
* vertical health-bars
* Use a treeview for the events
* Joystick button press and release events
* drag actions directly to an event should open the event and add the action at the end
* event should appear in the list in the order they are executed
* out of view event
* action to check whether a save file exists
* Option to indicate in the options which libraries to include in the EXE.
* Action (or function) to destroy nearby instances of a given object
* Add an action to check whether an instance of an object is within a certain distance from a point
* Add a mouse over event (similar to no button but also with a button)
* Action to check for a keypress
* An outside view event
* Seperate events for outside TOP of room, Outside left, outside right, and outside bottom.
* Event for collision with no object.

Dernière édition par le Jeu 1 Sep 2005 - 11:00, édité 1 fois
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Messages : 16998
Localisation : Siege du CBNA!
Projet Actuel : Site Web du CBNA, version beta :

MessageSujet: Re: Les BUGS DE GAME -MAKER   Les BUGS DE GAME -MAKER EmptyJeu 1 Sep 2005 - 11:00


* overview of all instances in the room
* move part of the room around in the room creator
* add the possibility for a scaled overview of the total room
* Option to start at a particular room, e.g. for testing
* Possibility to "paint" areas in a room that create events when an object hits it
* hotkeys to quickly select objects (or start typing the name)
* possibility to hide instances of invisible objects
* possibility to have semi-transparent views
* easier mechanism to deal with tiles, e.g. filling whole regions with them.
* Posibility to remove all instances of an object
* Change the offset of the grid (???)
* When adding tiles, use the arrow keys to select the different tiles in the set
* Possibility to have multiple rooms open at once (e.g. views in different rooms)


* Special text effects (engraved, shadow, hollow fonts, slanting)
* Give error when drawing characters that are not in the font

Time lines

* expressions for the steps in a time line (more like conditionals)
* negative speed for time lines?????


* A number of predefined paths (circle, square, sin wave,spiral, ...)
* Add other interpolation modes
* Make it possible to not stop at a solid object
* Make it possible to change the position with respect to which the path is relative

Game Information

* Improved Game Information with images, etc.
* More fancy editor with popup menu, etc.
* Multiple Game Information files
* Hyperlinks in game information

Scripts and code

* don't show help for function names when in a string or in comment
* menu item to check all action arguments and pieces of code, not just scripts
* menu item to list all variables used (??)
* menu item to print all scripts
* Colored comments in action list (add color argument)
* Colored { } pairs (also in actions)
* Colorcode numbers and strings in code editor with own colors
* Pop-up help for functions in the code editor
* try .. except construction (or something similar)
* When resizing the script form, keep the top the same rather than show the cursor always.
* Constant arrays, e.g. [3,4,6,2,78]
* In more functions and variables check for errors and report these.
* Find matching bracket in code editor.
* Data types and pointers in GML.
* Breakpoints in code
* Try to use shorter string than 1K per string
* Color code help list of all functions, variables, constants, and own defined things
* In options indicate which expressions to see in the debug window
* Description should remain visible when entering arguments of a function


* Functions to deal with a string with fields delimited by a character (find,replace,delete,count)
* get_save_filename_ext() functions with more possibilities.
* Undoing the effect of message_position(x,y)
* function for getting windows directory (get environment variable windir?)
* function for getting windows version
* functions to get information about the computer configuration
* Function instance_top(x,y) and instance_bottom(x,y) to report the top and bottommost instance at a position
* Function to choose the CD player to use for playing music
* message_box with multiple choices (like a menu)
* allow default windows message box style
* function file_size(fname) to get the size of a file
* Setting window state when executing an external program (maximized, minimized, normal, or hidden)
* Support the loading of other image types at runtime.
* Make screenshot in jpg format, not bmp
* Function handle_events that handles all events that have occured in the meantime if this is possible) or maybe just handle_io.
* Add functions to wait for a particular key, mouse button or joystick button
* functions for printing
* possibility to get a witness where a collision occurs
* speed up data structures
* Local health mechanism.
* Text to Speech functions
* DLL functions with integer arguments and more string arguments.
* Ability to cycle through a subset of the images in a sprite
* Function to get the id of a CD.
* Allow special graphical effects on the whole image visible in the game.
* argument checking for functions
* functions for sending email, ftp, etc.
* more options for show_video (etc.) like whether to show the mouse whether to close with the mouse, etc.
* Use a sprite as a mask for drawing another sprite (sort of and function), possibly repeating the sprite.
* Support for force feedback
* make deleting tiles faster (e.g. use a marked field as with instances)
* resource functions to duplicate and change events
* extend the possibilities of the functions to show videos, etc.
* more functions to find certain tiles.
* function move_contact should return the id of the instance you touch.
* Possibility to write a particle definition (including the sprite) to a file and to load it
* Change the background image for all tiles with a particular background (can be used for animated tiles)
* Save and restore datastructures when savin and loading a game
* Copy functions for data structures
* Functions like place_meeting etc. should give a witness (or a separate functions). Same for collision functions.
* Function to snap to an isometric grid.

3D Graphics functions

* More lighting posssibilities (ambient, dynamic, etc.)
* Material properties
* Shadows (probably not)
* Reading wellknown model formats
* 3D particles
* Text in 3D
* Investigate whether double texture mapping is possible
* Other transformations (quaternions, vector-to-vector)
* Bump mapping (probably not)
* Create a terrain from a bitmap (intensity is height information)

Multiplayer functionality

* Rewrite using more recent version fo DirectPlay (to avoid routers blocking games)
* Transfer a file in multiplayer mode
* Function mplay_change_name(id,name) to change a players name
* Support for sockets

Help files

* separate pages for all functions (with F1 in code editor)
* separate pages for all events and actions


* More shortcuts at many places in the different forms
* Avoid jump to top in debug variable lists
* Avoid that when closing the maker it asks multiple times to save something.
* option to always save before testing the game.
* Much better support to get an overview of everything in your game with options to jump there (like object information)
* Search feature in object information.
* When cancelling a new resource just after it was created should delete it
* sleep for a fixed time for instances
* Possibility to make objects solid from a particular side only (or combinations)
* Allow for simple expressions in ValueEdit and also fractional values (for example for background speed)
* Toolbar or menu to start some other useful programs like e.g. a calculator
* Duplicate groups of resources
* Support for loading .ani/.cur files.
* Add an autosave option
* Possibility to specify command line parameters when testing a game
* Real timing rather than steps
* more transition effects
* Multilanguage support
* Possibility to globally search for certain actions or variables or strings
* create a printout of the whole game???
* addition of windows controls like buttons, input fields, etc., maybe as addition resource
* pop-up dialog boxes as a resource type.
* Option to call a game from within a game.
* Indication of memory consumption and indication of system requirements
* Clipping paths for images
* password protected editable gm6 files
* support for flash files
* Built-in database mechanism.
* Generic trigger mechanism
* plug-in mechanism with DLLs and definition file such that simple functions can be used rather than special one.
* Tip of the day in Game Maker
* Built-in game registration mechanism and or passwording mechanism
* Remember sub-window sizes in the maker
* Make disabling the key independent from disabling the Close box.
* Check whether there is enough space to save a file before saving it.
* Possibility to hide the mouse cursor when showing videos.
* Use a separate version of the runner for the stand-alone games without debugger
* Multiple scores, healths, lives, etc.
* Put Exclusive mode back in, mainly to avoid problems with tearing, resolution changing, and graphics speed.
* Make it possible to select multiple resource, for e.g. dragging into a group
* Add option not to show the loading screen at all.
* Allow partial matches when searching for resources
* In the preferences, make it possible to set the default prefixes for the resources
* Better support for team-based development
* Support for Visual Basic DLL's (?? Don't know why this is a problem??)
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Messages : 11568
Localisation : Dans un champ de pâquerettes
Projet Actuel : ma vie

MessageSujet: Re: Les BUGS DE GAME -MAKER   Les BUGS DE GAME -MAKER EmptyJeu 1 Sep 2005 - 11:48

je pensse pas que quelqu'un en trouvera d'autre rire rire
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Messages : 16998
Localisation : Siege du CBNA!
Projet Actuel : Site Web du CBNA, version beta :

MessageSujet: Re: Les BUGS DE GAME -MAKER   Les BUGS DE GAME -MAKER EmptyJeu 1 Sep 2005 - 11:50

On sait jamais. Smile
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Messages : 20021
Localisation : Alsace

MessageSujet: Re: Les BUGS DE GAME -MAKER   Les BUGS DE GAME -MAKER EmptyJeu 1 Sep 2005 - 12:09

Mark Overmars s'est embêté à trouver tout les bugs de son programme happy1
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Messages : 16998
Localisation : Siege du CBNA!
Projet Actuel : Site Web du CBNA, version beta :

MessageSujet: Re: Les BUGS DE GAME -MAKER   Les BUGS DE GAME -MAKER EmptyJeu 1 Sep 2005 - 12:29

Non on peut les signaler grâce à un système sur le site en fait.
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*Excellent utilisateur*

Messages : 5494
Localisation : Angers, maine et loire
Projet Actuel : Rien je suis mort a l'intérieur.

MessageSujet: Re: Les BUGS DE GAME -MAKER   Les BUGS DE GAME -MAKER EmptyJeu 1 Sep 2005 - 14:33

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Messages : 20021
Localisation : Alsace

MessageSujet: Re: Les BUGS DE GAME -MAKER   Les BUGS DE GAME -MAKER EmptyJeu 1 Sep 2005 - 14:36

Je sais happy1
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*Excellent utilisateur*

Messages : 5494
Localisation : Angers, maine et loire
Projet Actuel : Rien je suis mort a l'intérieur.

MessageSujet: Re: Les BUGS DE GAME -MAKER   Les BUGS DE GAME -MAKER EmptyVen 2 Sep 2005 - 1:10

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